Jimmy Kimmel's Movie: The Movie movie parody trailer has been viewed over 20 million times on YouTube since its debut following last year's oscars.
"And when you have a big success in Hollywood," Kimmel says, "there's only one reasonable thing you can do — and that is cheapen it with a sequel."
Starring Channing Tatum, Bradley Cooper, Jessica Chastain, Gerard Butler, Samuel L. Jackson, Bryan Cranston, Jude Law, Rachel Weisz, Salma Hayek, John Krasinski, Amanda Seyfried, Kerry Washington, Kimmel's archnemesis Matt Damon, and Oprah Winfrey in the role she was born to play, Movie: The Movie 2V packs so much movie into seven minutes, you may never need to see another movie ever again.
[video via Jimmy Kimmel Live]