John Green, author of bestselling novels-turned-movies The Fault In Our Stars and Paper Towns, is a superstar. Teens love him. Adults love him. Taylor Swift loves him. The film adaptation of his first YA novel, Looking For Alaska, begins production soon in Michigan, and will almost certainly be his third box office hit in a row.
Do you wish you were as successful as John Green? Do you wish you could write bestsellers with titles like An Abundance of Katherines and characters named Quentin and Alaska? With Jezebel’s very own John Green Plot Generator, you can be! Just answer a few questions, tap a few buttons, and poof! You’ll have a summary of the next bestseller you can write yourself.
Good luck! Writing it is the hard part.
Full disclosure: The Fault In Our Stars made me cry openly on a train in 2012 like an emotional teen, and I’m delighted that authors like Green have found success writing books young people (and adults!) love to read.
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