At a party in June at the University of Central Florida, a woman secretly recorded
According to the panel, Sigma Nu did not “condone sexual misconduct” by chanting “rape.”
WFTV reports that the panel believed the chanting was the work of one brother, whom the other brothers tried to quiet. That’s certainly one way to hear the audio:
The woman who recorded the video, on the other hand, said that multiple brothers were chanting, including one who has actually been accused of rape
Meanwhile, the university panel’s decision about that harmless chanting has been sent to UCF’s director of Student Rights and Responsibilities for approval. A university rep told WFTV, “The appalling behavior seen in this video is not how responsible men act. While offensive speech may be allowable, it is inappropriate in every sense. That’s why we’re working with the national fraternity office to help change the culture that led to this behavior.”
Sounds promising!
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