Aaargh. You just found out that your coworker makes more than you do, even though you both do the same kind of work, you’ve been there longer, and you do a better job. You feel demoralized, insulted by your not-such-a-great friend employer, and resentful of your coworker. Before you protest, here’s how to handle the situation professionally.
Although it sucks to find out you’re not making as much as your coworker(s), the upside to this newfound knowledge is you can use it for positive change, whether you improve your job skills, get motivated to ask for a raise, or find a better job. Stay calm and follow these steps.
Step One: Assess the Situation and Don’t Flip Out
Your gut reaction might be to gripe about the situation to your manager or fellow coworkers, but take a step back to thoroughly think about it. As frustrating as it is, there might be fair reasons why your coworker earns more than you. Perhaps the market value or demand for the job has risen since you were hired, so the company had to offer more to newer applicants. Psychologist Art Markman says on Forbes:
[It] is actually quite common where people hired after you may end up making more money. While there is always the chance that this is related to gender, it may also reflect market forces. Right now, for example, the economy is good, and so there is a lot of competition for new talent. As a result, companies may need to offer high starting salaries to attract new hires. If you were hired in a softer job market, then you may have gotten a lower offer, because that was what the market would support. I see this a lot in universities where faculty who have been working at the university for many years may be getting paid about the same (or sometimes even less) than brand new hires, just because the market has gotten competitive.
I raise this potential explanation, because when you discover that you are being paid less than others who are doing a similar job, it is natural to assume that salary inequalities are a result of more nefarious forces. The problem with that assumption is that, if your company ultimately does agree to give you a raise, you might still walk away with a bad feeling.
So before jumping to conclusions, take stock of the situation. If you didn’t negotiate your salary well (or at all) but your coworker did, that could also explain the salary difference (even though that might not seem fair). Perhaps your coworker has more job responsibilities or additional qualifications like more up-to-date skills (which happens a lot in the IT world).
Once you’ve found the most likely reason for the salary difference, you can take steps to address it. You could take classes to improve your skill set, for example, or ask for additional responsibility so you’re on even ground with your coworker or new hires.
What if there doesn’t seem to be a fair reason why your coworker makes more? As with other situations where you feel you should be earning more, get ready to negotiate a raise. We’ll talk about discrimination and pay inequality—another possible reason for salary differences—in the last section below.
Step Two: Research How Much You Should Be Making and Ask for a Raise
Putting your coworker’s salary aside, you should know your value as an employee. This is a crucial step when you feel underpaid (and overworked)
Once you know how much you could or should be making, ask for a raise, but don’t use your coworker’s salary as the reason why you deserve it. Keep the focus on your performance instead of comparisons between you and others.
Although it’s against the law
Here are some other tips to help you when asking for a raise:
- Before you ask for a raise, answer the questions on your boss’s mind
- Negotiate the raise you deserve with actual money, not percentages
- Walk into a salary negotiation with the right list of accomplishments
- Negotiate the salary you want with the Briefcase Technique
If you get a raise and compensation seems fair, great! Mission accomplished. If not, read on.
Step Three: Consider Looking for a New Job or Taking Legal Action (If Appropriate)
If your raise is denied, there are still things you can do to make the situation feel fairer to you. Consider asking for other benefits
When you feel like you deserve or need a raise, however, you should be prepared to quit if it doesn’t happen
All that said: sometimes salary revelations can reveal pay inequalities, as was the case when former Google engineer Erica Baker and coworkers shared a spreadsheet listing their salaries. The gender pay gap is real, particularly in some occupations
If you believe you’re a victim of discrimination, Consumer Reports recommends filing a complaint with the Equal Employee Opportunity Commission, noting that:
The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009 resets the statute of limitations on discrimination complaints each time new paychecks are issued and enables employees to challenge pay discrimination that has been compounded by raises, pensions, and other contributions over time.
Maybe it seems like a long shot, but people are winning lawsuits against companies for violating the Equal Pay Act, although these kinds of lawsuits aren’t terribly common. It doesn’t help that most companies have a “do not share” policy when it comes to salaries.
The Case for Open Salaries
Perhaps transparent salaries is the solution to this riddled mess of salary differences, for both employers and employees alike. When Buffer made public its employees salaries, sharing how much each employee makes according to the formula “Salary = job type X seniority X experience + location (+ $10K if salary choice),” it got a lot of attention and a boatload of new job applicants. Often, companies say they don’t want employees to share their salaries because of privacy issues or they want to avoid employee issues around misunderstandings, but when salaries aren’t secret and the formulas behind them are clear, it’s easier to trust the company and work with your team. Transparent salaries also make us more satisfied with our jobs.
There are clear reasons why employers want to keep salaries secret, though—clear reasons that benefit them more than us. It’s tough when learning salary secrets can make you feel undervalued, but until your company adopts an open salary policy, your best bet is to always push for a salary that you know is fair for the work you do—or walk or sound the alarm if it is an issue of fairness.
Illustration remixed from originals by Creatarka (Shutterstock).