The New York City real estate developer accused, after wrecking his Porsche, drunk, in the Hamptons, of dragging his passenger out of the car and leaving him to die, killed time in court on Friday by counting out a thick wad of cash, the New York Post reports.
Earlier this week, the Post reported that police have pulled security footage from the bar where Sean Ludwick, 42, and his victim, Paul Hansen (the father of one of his son’s friends), were drinking the night of the crash:
Sean Ludwick, who is separated from his wife, went out for drinks with Paul Hansen at 230 Down before the early-Sunday wreck, and spent much of the night unsuccessfully hitting on a blond Morgan Stanley financial adviser, according to a source close to the victim’s family.
While waiting to go before a judge in Southampton Town Justice Court on Friday morning, the Post reports that Ludwick pulled out a two-inch-thick, folded stack of bills and started counting them.
The judge ordered Ludwick to return to court on September 29th. Ludwick refused to answer questions after leaving the court room. “He’s distraught,” his attorney, Daniel Ollen, said.
Image via Sean Ludwick/Facebook. Contact the author of this post: