Swords: Extremely cool. More swords: Even cooler. 3,174 swords: Uh, maybe scale it back a little, actually?
After arresting a Florida woman on several outstanding warrants this week, authorities say they discovered more than 3,000 swords, knives, machetes and hatchets in her trailer home.
“It looks like she had an obsession with them,” noted Hernando County Sheriff’s Office spokesperson Denise Moloney, (astutely) adding, “It appears there was some satanic thing going on.” From CNN:
“She had pictures of pentagrams, there were fake body parts, the kind that you can buy from the Halloween store, and skeletons on the wall with knives protruding out of them.”
Nickcole Ellen Fay Dykema, 47, even “ ‘booby trapped’ many of the bladed weapons, blankets, floors inside, and even the yard outside the residence,” Moloney said.
Five deputies suffered cuts removing the weapons and required medical treatment, she said.
According to police, Dykema’s unconventional home decorations also served a practical purpose, as she attempted to stab one arresting officer in the face with “a large sword or machete type weapon” before disappearing into her trailer on Tuesday.
“Having limited visibility into the residence, deputies observed a set of feet standing in the corner of the mobile home, possibly hiding under or behind a blanket,” said the Hernando County Sheriff’s Office in a press release. “Deputies also observed a long, silver, shiny sword waving around behind the blanket.”
After bean bag rounds failed to disable Dykema, police say they were able to subdue and arrest the cutlass collector using a Taser.
“Everyone in this neighborhood was scared of that woman,” neighbor Fuzz Spisok told WTSP. “How did she get all of those knives?”
Dykema now faces three counts of probation violation and one count each of criminal mischief, resisting arrest and assaulting an officer. Currently on probation for stealing chef’s knives from a dollar store last year, Dykema is reportedly not allowed to own weapons of any kind.
[Images via the Hernando County Sheriff’s Office]