For years, there have been whispers that 9/11 didn’t happen the way we were told it did, and now the truth has claimed its first casualty: “comedian” Steve Rannazzisi’s sponsorship money.
Rannazzisi, an actor with mutiple IMDB credits, admitted this week that everything we know about what he knows about 9/11 is a lie: he wasn’t in the tower when the first plane hit, as he’s claimed for 14 years, and, as far as anyone can tell, he has never seen jet fuel melt a steel beam.
Not tolerating Rannazzisi’s lies is casual dining establishment Buffalo Wild Wings, which officially canceled its Rannazzisi ad campaign last night. Possibly tolerating Rannazzisi’s lies is Comedy Central, which may or may not air Rannazzisi’s one hour comedy special this weekend. Definitely tolerating Rannazzisi’s lies are the American sheeple watching The League—time to wake up!!!!
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