Who’s a good boy? Definitely not the Yorkshire terrier who recently drove his owner’s pickup truck into a lake after being put in timeout.
Police in Ellsworth, Maine had to rescue the Yorkie from Branch Lake on Saturday, the Associated Press reports, after the dog “bumped” its owner’s Chevrolet Silverado into gear, “causing it to roll about 75 feet into the lake, and bounce off a rock before sinking in roughly 10 feet of water.”
The dog’s owner put him in the truck after it had an “encounter” with another dog during a walk by the lake. His owner was speaking with the owner of the other dog when the Yorkie took off in his pickup.
“The truck was fully submerged and without the quick response of the family friend the man would have lost his companion. She is a hero in my book,” Ellsworth Police Department said on a Facebook.
[Top image via Shutterstock, bottom image via the Ellsworth Police Department]