Here’s the scoop, via the Associate Press: dozens of grumpy Secret Service employees conspired to publicly embarrass the chairman of the House oversight committee in retaliation for his committee’s ongoing investigations into recent Secret Service fuck-ups.
It’s been a pretty rotten, embarrassing 12 months for the Secret Service. A year ago tomorrow Director Julie Pierson resigned in disgrace
Now this: a mere 18 minutes after the start of a March congressional hearing about the drunk driving incident, Secret Service employees managed to access an old 2003 application to the service filed by committee chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah). The application was unsuccessful, for unspecified reasons, and it was circulated among Secret Service employees in an apparent plan to use the document to publicly embarrass Chaffetz. Secret Service Assistant Director Ed Lowery articulated this plan about as clearly as possible in an email to fellow Assistant Director Faron Paramore:
“Some information that he might find embarrassing needs to get out. Just to be fair.”
Days later, the unsuccessful application was reported by The Daily Beast, in an article entitled “Congressman Who Oversees Secret Service Was Rejected By Secret Service.” Not a lot of dots to connect, here. Low bed baby
The AP’s report indicates Homeland Security Secretary*
Photo via AP