Panderin’-ass Ben Carson seems to have found the niche any not-remotely-serious-and-therefore-totally-plausible Republican candidate needs in these ridiculous times, and his, apparently, is Bold Antagonizer Of Muslims. Look at him go!
After enjoying a polling and fundraising bump following his reckless assertion that America should never have a Muslim president
A recap: after Carson’s appearance on “Meet the Press” in which he described Islam as inconsistent with the Constitution, Ibrahim Hooper of the Council on American-Islamic Relations issued the following response: “You cannot hold these kinds of views and at the same time say you will represent all Americans, of all faiths and backgrounds.” Seems reasonable enough!
According to Carson, via this statement the organization has “brazenly violated IRS rules” and the agency should “properly do its job and punish the real violators of America’s laws and regulations.”
Hooper’s response to this petition:
“We find it interesting that Dr. Carson seeks to use a federal government agency to silence his critics and wonder if that tactic would be used to suppress First Amendment freedoms should he become president.”
Is that what Carson’s doing, though? Or is it instead that the only wind in his sails is his apparent willingness to stoke anti-Muslim sentiments among lunatic conservatives? Hmmmm.
Photo via AP