Turns out the Vatican has one final burn for Kim Davis, the anti-gay clerk who flew a little too close to the sun when she released the news that the pope had acknowledged her existence. Not only was her meeting not a “real audience” with the cool guy, the day before, the Vatican confirms, the pope straight-up chilled with an openly gay man and his partner.
The disclosure, revealed by the New York Times, came as an update to the Vatican’s attempt to distance itself from the crazy marriage license lady it met one time who won’t stop calling.
Contacted by phone, a former student of Francis’, Yayo Grassi, said he had been granted an audience with the pope. Mr. Grassi is an openly gay man living in Washington, and he said he had been accompanied by his partner of 19 years, Iwan Bagus, as well as four friends.
Mr. Grassi, a 67-year-old caterer, said that his group met with Francis at the Vatican Embassy on Sept. 23 — a day before Ms. Davis met the pope. In the 1960s, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, as the future pope was called, taught Argentine literature and psychology to Mr. Grassi at the Colegio de la Inmaculada Concepción, a Jesuit high school in Santa Fe, Argentina.
Mr. Grassi said that he had resumed contact with the future pope years later, when he was the archbishop of Buenos Aires. He also visited the pope at the Vatican in September 2013, and later called him by telephone to ask for an audience.
“Once I saw how busy and exhausting his schedule was in D.C., I wrote back to him saying perhaps it would be better to meet some other time,” Mr. Grassi said. “Then he called me on the phone and he told me that he would love to give me a hug in Washington.”
Davis got a quick handshake and a blessing. And what did Grassi—a man who Davis would ostensibly go back to jail to prevent him from marrying his boyfriend—get?
“It was a private meeting, for about 15 to 20 minutes, in which I brought my boyfriend of 19 years,” Mr. Grassi said.
According to the Times, “His boyfriend, Mr. Bagus, posted a video of the meeting on his Facebook page showing Francis hugging Mr. Grassi and the others.”
Sucks to suck, I guess.
Image via AP. Contact the author at gabrielle@gawker.com.