Customers shopping at a Target located in Campbell, California were shocked when audio from a porno began playing over the store’s loudspeakers. Gina Young, a woman who was shopping in the store with her two young sons, filmed footage of the incident and posted it on her Facebook. In the clip, moaning sounds and sexually explicit language emit loudly from the store’s speakers.
According to the New York Post, Target is currently investigating, but is offering no details. “People were up in arms. Some people threw their things down and walked out. Others were yelling at employees,” Young wrote on Facebook. “Employees were running around everywhere. Picking and hanging up phones, which worked….for about two minutes before it started up again.”
Another customer told KCBS, “I felt violated, and my body said wait a minute, this ain’t right. So I was uneasy.” Interestingly, this isn’t the first time an incident like this has occurred at Target. The same thing happened at another California location in July. Customers were evacuated from the San Luis Obispo store until they figured out how to turn off the speakers. No word on whether the two incidents are related, but it sounds like the inner workings of a very creative prankster.
Uproxx points out that a popular adult website called has offered to help Target find the movie responsible for its accidental shopping soundtrack. If only there were some sort of a porn-themed Shazam app to assist with that.
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