A suspect matching the description of Christopher Jordan Dorner, the ex-LAPD officer who allegedly set out on a revenge killing spree earlier this week, is said to be barricaded inside a hotel at Point Loma in Sean Diego.
Update: According to KTLA's Tara Wallis, the hotel barricade was a false alarm, and the man detained is not Dorner.
Dormer, a former U.S. Navy reservist, was removed from the LAPD after a 2009 Board of Review hearing that found he'd made false statements about a fellow officer whom he'd accused of kicking a suspect. According to the authorities, on Sunday Dormer shot and killed the daughter of the retired LAPD captain who'd represented him in that hearing, as well as her fiancée.
In a manifesto he posted to Facebook, he warned a number of the individuals involved in his dismissal from the LAPD that he was hunting them down:
Your lack of ethics and conspiring to wrong a just individual are over.
Suppressing the truth will leave to deadly consequences for you and your family. There will be an element of surprise where you work, live, eat, and sleep. I will utilize ISR at your home, workplace, and all locations in between. I will utilize OSINT to discover your residences, spouses workplaces, and children's schools. IMINT to coordinate and plan attacks on your fixed locations. Its amazing whats on NIPR. HUMINT will be utilized to collect personal schedules of targets. I never had the opportunity to have a family of my own, I'm terminating yours.
Dorner shot two Riverside police officers on Thursday morning, killing one. During the manhunt, Los Angeles police officers mistakenly shot two people in Torrance while they delivered newspapers.