Breaking News: Joe Biden Still Available, If You're Interested
Joe Biden has sent you an email. But, because he’s an addled old man and a politician, he did it in the stupidest possible way.First, he had this other guy, Ted Kaufman, write it, and instructed...
View ArticleNYT: The FBI Has a "Foul Taste" In Its Mouth Thanks to Obama
Drama at the FBI—according to the New York Times, the agency is livid because it feels undermined by President Obama—again. controversy? Barack Obama’s 60 Minutes...
View ArticleDeadspin Billy Beane Is One Of The Biggest Water Wasters In The Bay Area |...
Deadspin Billy Beane Is One Of The Biggest Water Wasters In The Bay Area | Gizmodo The Many, Many Times Astronomers Mistook Mundane Phenomena for Aliens | Jalopnik Road-Raging Truck Spins Car, Flies...
View ArticleUpstate Cultish Murder Church Has a History of Abusing Its Congregants
Word of Life Christian Church, the upstate New York congregation where two teenaged brothers were allegedly brutally beaten by their parents and others, one fatally, had a creepy reputation among its...
View ArticleIs Jeb Bush Really in "Excellent" Condition?
The presidential campaign of timid celebrity child Jeb Bush has released an official physician’s letter stating that Jeb is in “excellent” physical condition. Excellent, Jebediah? Big talker.The...
View ArticleKate Hudson on Rumors She Fucked Nick Jonas: "...See Ya Later"
Nick Jonas, Jonas Brother, and Kate Hudson, not a groupie but a band aid, have been spotted hanging out together multiple times over the last few weeks—at brunch, at clubs, even at Disneyland. Are they...
View ArticleTrick or Treat: Nothing Tastes as Good as Death Feels
Fall’s crisp days are quickly drying out into a spooky, bitter cold as Halloween approaches and small, masked children gather in mobs. But this Hallow’s Eve promises to be even more frightening, as...
View ArticleInspiring Fugitive Couple Prolongs Police Standoff to Squeeze in One Last Fuck
When police arrived at a Jacksonville, Fla., birthday party Wednesday in search of Ryan Bautista, the 34-year-old fugitive and his beau engaged them in a 6 1/2 hour standoff before they were taken into...
View ArticleThis Very Bad Wheel of Fortune Guess Definitely Ended in the Wrong Way
I forgive you for thinking you’d seen the dumbest-ever attempt to solve a puzzle on Wheel of Fortune. I was once like you. “Self-Potato.” “I Have the Wine by Johnny Cash.” I’ve loved them all. But I am...
View ArticleWatch the Women of The View Pummel Ann Coulter for Four Minutes
The smugly white performance artist Ann Coulter appeared on today’s episode of The View in yet another stop on her unending publicity tour for her recent book. The ensuing segment has it all! By all, I...
View ArticleWhat's Your Biggest Fear?
My worst nightmare is being trapped in an enclosed space with lots of bugs. It’s on my mind all the time: Recently, I dreamt a plate-sized spider with legs made of those weird fingery mushrooms was...
View ArticleVermont Judge Drops Fugitive Charges Against Randy Quaid, Who Wants to Be a...
Yesterday, a Vermont judge dismissed fugitive-from-justice charges against famous Quaid Randy Quaid and his wife, Evi, leaving the Vacation star free to give an interview to ABC News. “It’s literally...
View ArticleNYU Students Live Like Kings and You Can Barely Afford a Walkup Studio
Finally, NYU students are getting some return for their enormous investment: free ice and every-other-day maid service. Too bad there’s a catch. Seems the university—currently 22,280 undergrads...
View ArticleToday's Best Deals: USB Battery Packs, Sweaters for Fall, and More
Here are the best of today’s deals. Get every great deal every day on Kinja Deals, follow us on Facebook and Twitter to never miss a deal, join us on Kinja Gear to read about great products, and on...
View ArticleFederal Prisoners Will Be Served Pork Whether They Like It or Not
It’s no fun being locked in federal prison, but now prisoners can take heart in the fact that they will be served pork, even though they said they do not want to be served pork.Pork pork pork. “The...
View ArticleMalia Obama Seen in General Vicinity of Beer Pong Cups During Brown...
Malia Obama, eldest daughter of the President of the U.S. and possible Joey Bada$$ superfan, is currently touring prospective colleges to decide which one she would like to attend and, according to...
View ArticlePitchfork Deletes Its Harshest Critic
Pitchfork, the music website that was purchased by Condé Nast this week, has a tormenter. His name is Chris Ott, and he wrote for the site at an earlier point in its history, though you can’t read any...
View ArticleCrimson Peak Is More Like a Nadir
Before my screening of Crimson Peak, the new movie from visionary director Guillermo del Toro (Pan’s Labyrinth, Hellboy, Pacific Rim), a sheet labeled “Foreword” was distributed to the attending...
View ArticleCBS Can't Handle the Truth
Sony Pictures has a new film out about the 60 Minutes fiasco that cost Dan Rather his job (whether he admits it or not) but CBS won’t accept the Truth—or its multi-million dollar advertising...
View Article500 Days of Kristin, Day 264: Don't Drag Kristin Into That Shit Anymore, She...
Kristin Cavallari, who, by participating in the MTV reality shows Laguna Beach and The Hills, has risen to a level of celebrity that’s afforded her the opportunity to write a book about her life that...
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