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My Vassar College Faculty ID Makes Everything OK


My Vassar College Faculty ID Makes Everything OK

The fourth time a Poughkeepsie police officer told me that my Vassar College Faculty ID could make everything OK was three years ago on Hooker Avenue. When the white police officer, whose head was way too small for his neck, asked if my truck was stolen, I laughed, said no, and shamefully showed him my license and my ID, just like Lanre Akinsiku. The ID, which ensures that I can spend the rest of my life in a lush state park with fat fearless squirrels, surrounded by enlightened white folks who love talking about Jon Stewart, Obama, and civility, has been washed so many times it doesn't lie flat.

After taking my license and ID back to his car, the police officer came to me with a ticket and two lessons. "Looks like you got a good thing going on over there at Vassar College," he said. "You don't wanna it ruin it by rolling through stop signs, do you?"

I sucked my teeth, shook my head, kept my right hand visibly on my right thigh, rolled my window up, and headed back to campus.

One more ticket.

Two more condescending lesson from a lame armed with white racial supremacy, anti-blackness, a gun, and a badge. But at least I didn't get arrested.

Or shot six times.

My Vassar College Faculty ID made everything okay. A little over two hours later, I sat in a closed room on Vassar's campus in a place called Main Building.

In the center of my ID, standing dusty orange and partially hidden by shadows of massive trees, is a picture of Vassar College's Main Building. Black women students took the building over in 1969 to demand, among other things, that the administration affirmatively reckon with its investment in anti-blackness and white racial supremacy. A multiracial group of students led by Cleon Edwards occupied Main again in 1990, after Daniel Patrick Moynihan reportedly told a Jamaican Dutchess County official, "If you don't like it in this country, why don't you pack your bags and go back where you came from?"

I sat in a room in Main that day with a senior professor and two high-ranking administrators. We were having one of those meetings you're not supposed to talk about. Near the end of the meeting, this senior professor affirmed his/her commitment to "African Americans" and said I was a "fraud."

I tucked both hands underneath my buttocks, rested my left knuckle beneath my ID as tears pooled in the gutters of both eyes. I'd been hungry before. I'd been beaten. I'd had guns pulled on me. I never felt as pathetic, angry, and terrified as I felt in that room.

I came into that meeting knowing that the illest part of racial terror in this nation is that it's sanctioned by sorry overpaid white bodies that will never be racially terrorized and maintained by a few desperate underpaid black and brown bodies that will. I left that meeting knowing that there are few things more shameful than being treated like a nigger by—and under the gaze of—intellectually and imaginatively average white Americans who are not, and will never have to be, half as good at their jobs as you are at yours.

I sat in that meeting thinking about the first day I got my ID. It was nine years earlier and I remember walking to the gym, maybe 100 yards behind Main Building and being asked by a white boy in yellow flip-flops if I could sell him some weed.

I just looked at his flip-flops.

And he just looked at my black neck. And when I told him that I taught English, he contorted his bushy brow, said "Word," and trotted off.

Later that year, maybe 30 yards to the left of Main Building, security routinely entered my office asking for my ID despite my name on the door and pictures of me, my Mama, and them all over my desk. In that same building, one floor lower, after I got my first book deal, I was told by another senior white member of my department that it was "all right" if I spoke to him "in ebonics," Later that year, a white senior professor walked in at the end of one of my classes and told me, in front of my students, "Don't talk back to me."

I wanted to put my palm through this man's esophagus and burn that building down, but I thought about prison and my Grandmama's health care. So I cussed his ass out and went about the business of eating too much fried cheese and biscuits at a local buffet.

A few summers later, right in front of Main Building, two security guards stopped me for walking past the President's house without identification. They threatened to call the Poughkeepsie police on me. I told the officers, "Fuck you" and "Show me your ID" for a number of reasons, but mostly because I'd sold one of them a car a few years ago, and Vassar's security officers don't carry guns.

Like nearly every black person I know from the deep South who has one of these faculty ID's, I anticipated reckoning daily with white racial supremacy at my job.


I didn't expect to smell the crumbling of a real human heart when I went to the police station to get my student, Mat, who had been missing for days. Mat was a beautiful Southern black boy suffering from manic depression and bipolar disorder.

I didn't anticipate hearing the hollowed terror and shame in my student Rachel's voice at 2 in the morning after she was arrested by Poughkeepsie police for jaywalking while her white friends just watched.

I didn't expect to feel the cold cracked hands of administrators when we pushed the college to allow Jade, a black Phi Beta Kappa student from DC, back into school after they suspended her for a full year for verbally intimidating her roommate.

I didn't expect to taste my own tears when watching three black women seniors tell two heads of security and the Dean of the College that they deserve to not have security called on them for being black women simply doing their laundry and reading books on a Sunday afternoon. I didn't expect the Dean of the College and the heads of security to do absolutely nothing after this meeting.

I didn't expect to have to wrap my arms around Leo, a Chicano student who stood shivering and sobbing in front of Poughkeepsie police after getting jumped on Raymond Ave by kids he called "my own people." Didn't expect to take him to the police station and have the questioning officer ask Leo, "Why do you use the term 'Latino'? Can you tell me what country the boys who jumped you were from?" The officer told Leo that his partner was Colombian and could tell where a person was from just by looking at them. Leo told me that he felt "most Chicano, most Latino, and most like a Vassar student" that night.

I didn't expect that.

I didn't expect to see my student Orion, a black boy from Boston, sitting palms down on the sidewalk in front of a police car a few Thursdays ago on my way from the gym. I got in the face of the two interrogating officers telling them, "He didn't do nothing" and "Leave my student the fuck alone," when I found out he was being accused of trying to steal a security golf cart.

I didn't expect the same two security guards who'd stopped me for walking in front of the President's house to tell the officers interrogating Orion that the golf cart was theirs and Orion was "a good kid, a Vassar student" who was just going to get a slice of pizza.

By the time one of the heads of Vassar security, in the presence of the current Dean of the College, told one of my colleagues and me that there was "no racial profiling on campus" and that we were making the black and brown students say there was, I expected almost everything.

I expected that four teenage black boys from Poughkeepsie would have security called on them for making too much noise in the library one Sunday afternoon. I expected security to call Poughkeepsie police on these 15 and 16-year-olds when a few of them couldn't produce an ID. I expected police to drive on the lawn in front of the library, making a spectacle of these black boys' perceived guilt.

A few days after Vassar called police on those children, a police officer visited one of the boys while he was in class and questioned him about some stolen cell phones and iPods at Vassar. When the kid said he didn't know anything about any stolen cell phones, the officer told the 15-year-old black child, who might have applied to Vassar in three years, to never go back to Vassar College again.

I didn't expect that.

Vassar College, the place that issues my faculty ID, a place so committed to access and what they call economic diversity, did its part to ensure that a black Poughkeepsie child, charged with nothing, would forever be a part of the justice system for walking through a library without an ID.

There is no way on earth that a 15-year-old black child visited by police officers at school for walking through a library while black is going to be OK.

And neither are we.


My Vassar College Faculty ID affords me free smoothies, free printing paper, paid leave, and access to one of the most beautiful libraries on Earth. It guarantees that I have really good health care and more disposable income than anyone in my Mississippi family. But way more than I want to admit, I'm wondering what price we pay for these kinds of ID's, and what that price has to do with the extrajudicial disciplining and killing of young black human beings.

You have a Michigan State Faculty ID, and seven-year old Aiyana Stanley-Jones was killed in a police raid. You have a Wilberforce University Faculty ID and 12-year-old Tamir Rice was shot dead by police for holding a BB gun. I have a Vassar College Faculty ID and police murdered Shereese Francis while she lay face-down on a mattress. You have a University of Missouri Student ID and Mike Brown's unarmed 18-year-old black body lay dead in the street for four and a half hours.


"We are winning," my mentor, Adisa Ajamu, often tells me. "Improvisation, Transcendence, and Resilience—the DNA of the Black experience—are just synonyms for fighting preparedness for the long winter of war."

Adisa is right. But to keep winning, to keep our soul and sanity in this terror-filled coliseum, at some point we have to say fuck it. We have to say fuck them. And most importantly, we must say to people and communities that love us, "I love you. Will you please love me? I'm listening."

We say that most profoundly with our work. We say that most profoundly with our lives. The question is, can we mean what we must say with our work and our lives and continue working at institutions like Vassar College.

Listening to our people and producing rigorous, soulful work are not antithetical. My teachers: Noel Didla, Paula Madison, Brittney Cooper, Rosa Clemente, Osagyefo Sekou, Eve Dunbar, Imani Perry, Darnell Moore, Kimberle Crenshaw, Mark Anthony Neal, Mychal Denzel Smith, dream hampton, Marlon Peterson, Jamilah LeMieux, Luke Harris, Chanda Hsu Prescod-Weinstein, and Carlos Alamo show me this everyday.

They also show me that though there's an immense price to pay in and out of so-called elite American educational institutions, the depth of this price differs based on sexuality, gender, race, access to wealth, and the status of one's dependents.

I paid the price of having sorry gatekeepers at Vassar question the validity of my book contracts, question my graduation from undergrad, question my graduation from grad school, question whether or not I was given tenure as opposed to earning it. And like you, when questioned so much, of course I outworked them, but scars accumulated in battles won sometimes hurt more than battles lost.

I gained 129 pounds. I got sick. I kept hurting someone who would have never hurt me. I rarely slept.

I kept fighting. And praying. And I got my work out. And I worked on healing. And I taught my kids. And I served my community. And I got hit again. And I swung at folks who weren't even swinging at me. And my best friend, who was also reckoning with the "Vassar" part of her Vassar Faculty ID, and I took turns lying to each other, sealing off our hearts in favor of arguments and unpaid labor. And when I earned leaves that I should have spent at home in Forest, Mississippi, with the 85 year-old woman who gave me the skills of improvisation, transcendence, and resilience, I stayed at Vassar College and guided tons of independent studies, directed flailing programs, and chaired hollow committees.

My family needed me home. My soul needed to be there. But I was afraid to be somewhere where my Vassar College Faculty ID didn't matter worth a damn. I was afraid to let the Mississippi black folks who really got me over see all my new stretch marks, afraid they'd hear the isolation and anxiety in my voice, afraid they'd find the crumpled bank receipts from money taken out at casinos. I was afraid to show my Mama, Auntie, and Grandma that I felt alone and so much sadder than the 27-year-old black boy they remember being issued a Vassar College Faculty ID 12 years ago.


A half an inch below my name on my bent ID is a nine digit identification number, and in the top left corner, hanging in the blue sky, is a 27-year-old black boy wearing an emerald green hoodie. An army green sweater-hat cocked slightly to the left is pulled over my eyes. A black book bag is slung across my right shoulder.

When I took the picture of that ID, I felt so healthy. I felt so worthy of good love. I didn't feel delivered but I felt proud that I could take care of my Mississippi family. I felt that every beating I'd gotten with shoes, extension cords, switches, belts, belt buckles, fists, and the guns of police officers was worth it. I knew that our mamas and grandmamas and aunties beat us to remind us that there was a massive price to pay for being black, free, and imperfect. I knew they beat us partially so that we would one day have a chance to wield ID's like mine as a weapon and a shield.

Twelve years after getting my Vassar College faculty ID, I sit here and know that the nation can't structurally and emotionally assault black kids and think they're going to turn out OK.

Vassar College can't structurally assault and neglect black kids and think they're going to turn out OK.

I think about time travel and regret a lot. If I could go back and tell my Mama anything, I would tell her that I love her, and I thank her, and I see her and I know that white racial supremacy, poverty, heteropatriarchy, and a lifetime as a young black woman academic with a hardheaded son are whupping her ass, but black parents can't physically and emotionally assault their black children—even in an attempt to protect them from the worst of white folks—and think they are going to turn out OK.

We are not OK. We are not OK. We have to get better at organizing, strategizing, and patiently loving us because the people who issued my Vassar College ID, like the people who issued Darren Wilson and Robert McCulloch their badges, will never ever give a fuck about the inside of our lives.

I have a Vassar College Faculty ID. I write books that some people care about. I teach my students. I take care of my Grandma. I have more access to healthy choice than most of my cousins. And I, like a lot of you, am not OK. I am not subhuman. I am not superhuman. I am not a demon. I cannot walk through bullets. I am not a special nigger. I am not a fraud. I am not OK.


Unlike Mike Brown and Aiyana Stanley-Jones and Tamir Rice, I am alive. We are alive.


We are so much better than the sick part of our nation that murders an unarmed black boy like a rabid dog, before prosecuting him for being a nigger. We are so much better than powerful academic institutions, special prosecutors, and the innocent practitioners of white racial supremacy in this nation who really believe that a handful of niggers with some special IDs, and a scar(r)ed black President on the wrong side of history, are proof of their—and really, our own—terrifying deliverance from American evil.

Kiese Laymon, born and raised in Jackson, Mississippi, is the author of How to Slowly Kill Yourself and Others in America and the novel Long Division. He has two new books, a novel called And So On and A Fat Black Memoir, forthcoming from Bloomsbury. He is currently an Associate Professor of English at Vassar College.

[Image by Jim Cooke]

Cops Say Dumb Police Dog Was Fired for Cause


Cops Say Dumb Police Dog Was Fired for Cause

Police in Oregon say a dumb dog named Cash was fired "for poor performance," mostly because he wouldn't stop acting like a dumb dog.

Among the black marks on adorable, dumb two-year-old Cash's permanent record, police say, were his skittishness, fear of heights and "barking problem."

"That's not the temperament we wanted to set for Cannon Beach," Police Chief Jason Schermerhorn told the AP.

After realizing what a dumb dog Cash—a two-year-old Belgian Malinois—is, his handlers just gave up.

"Where other dogs were progressing, he wasn't progressing," a trainer said, emphasizing it wasn't personal. "It's not about me. It's not about how long we got along together... It's about doing the job, and he just wasn't able to do the job. So here we are."

Cops have reportedly updated their "Looking for dumb dog" ad to clarify they're actually seeking a "ball-crazy, happy, wanting-to-work [dumb] dog."

[image via Cannon Beach Police]

ESPN College Football Reporter's Daughter Takes Over SportsCenter


ESPN college football reporter Brett McMurphy's ten-year-old daughter took over SportsCenter this morning to count down the five fiercest college football rivalries. This is her second appearance on SportsCenter: last year she reported on Northwestern's peanut-free football game.

As a normally self-confident person who has been on TV a couple times and was scared shitless for each appearance—the lights are really bright and in your face, and the wire that connects my brain to my mouth was only firing intermittently—I'm pretty impressed with how Chesney McMurphy did knowing she was being beamed into a million homes across the country.

Hearse Containing Body Stolen Moments Before Funeral


Hearse Containing Body Stolen Moments Before Funeral

In a move his family claims he would have appreciated, a man's body was stolen, along with the hearse carrying him, moments before his funeral in Australia.

As mourners gathered for the funeral of 52-year-old human rights lawyer Seth Richardson, a man jumped out of the bushes and into the hearse carrying his coffin, speeding away shortly after. Mr Richardson's sister-in-law Hayley West spoke to the Sydney Morning Herald about the theft:

"One of the funeral guys who works for the funeral home went out to the hearse to grab the trolley to put it under the coffin and in a split second this guy jumped out of the bushes, jumped straight into the hearse and started it up.

The funeral guy was banging on the window going 'what the hell are you doing? You can't drive away in the hearse'.

Then he ran into the hall and yelled 'someone has taken the hearse, with Seth!'"

Seth's brother, Tobias Richardson, called the police to inform them about the incident, leading to some confusion. Hayley West continued: "And the police thought it was a murder. And there was this weird confusion, and he was like 'no, he's already dead, it's a hearse'."

Tobias decided to chase down the hearse himself, trapping the driver in a cul-de-sac before he was detained by the police.

According to police, the hearse thief was a recently-escaped nursing home patient with dementia. He was taken to the hospital and, according to the Morning Herald, no further police action will be taken.

"Seth would have thought this was so funny," West told the Morning Herald, "He had a wicked sense of humor."

[image via Shutterstock]

Botched Busta Rhymes Stage Dive Exposes the Dangers of Getting Turnt


"Too Turnt Up?" asks WorldStarHipHop in the title of this video showing Busta Rhymes falling off stage at a recent hip-hop show. Yes, WorldStar, too turnt up.

As photos taken after the rapper's public face plant show, Busta's head was thoroughly busted in the fall, demonstrating one of the very real perils of getting too turnt, or even worse, stoked.

Fortunately, the M.C. is currently doing just fine. On Friday, Busta took to Twitter to assure fans he was "SUPER GOOD," explaining, "[When] UR PASSIONATE ABOUT WINNING U GO HARD!!! WE DONE FELL OFF STAGES AND BROKE LIMBS WHILE PERFORMING AND KEPT GONG!!!"

Coincidentally, "GONG!!!" is almost certainly the sound you hear after taking a header off a stage.

[h/t Uproxx]

Two Boys Buried in Snowbank Miraculously Survive in Small Air Bubble


Two Boys Buried in Snowbank Miraculously Survive in Small Air Bubble

Two young boys who were buried alive under five feet of snow survived close to seven hours thanks to an air bubble that formed around them.

The cousins, aged 11 and 9, were reportedly building a snow fort in upstate New York when a snowplow drove by, collapsing the fort on top of them.

"We started screaming and telling him to stop," 11-year-old Elijah Martinez told CNN. "But he didn't hear us."

"They were probably in about 5 feet of snow," police Sgt. Aaron Weaver told CBS. "But however it fell, there was, like, a dome around their heads, so there was air in there, like space for them."

The boys tried to free themselves but were afraid of collapsing the ice around them, they told CBS.

"We motivated each other to not go to sleep, keep yelling, keep moving our bodies, trying to break out," Martinez said. "Cause I knew if we would've fallen asleep…we probably wouldn't have woke up because we would be so cold, frozen probably."

When the kids hadn't returned home by nightfall, their parents grew worried and called police, launching a nine-officer manhunt. When they learned that the kids had been making a fort earlier that day, one officer told CNN he suddenly felt compelled to start digging:

Newburgh police officer Brandon Rola approached one snowbank among several in the area and discovered a half-buried shovel that was "kind of sticking out of the pile," he said.

"I pulled the shovel out, and I definitely didn't put it together then but just kind of decided to start digging," Rola said on CNN's "The Lead" on Friday.

He said that even though he turned up nothing after four or five shovels full of snow, he kept digging into the 8-foot-tall pile.

"I just felt led to dig," he said.

Eventually dozens of people joined in the effort and the boys were freed from the snowbank around 2 a.m. Both were hospitalized but are expected to make full recoveries.

[image via CBS]

Couple Has Baffling On-Purpose Wedding in NYC Subway


Couple Has Baffling On-Purpose Wedding in NYC Subway

What is your second-biggest subway-related fear, assuming your number one fear is being pushed in front of an oncoming train? Take a minute. Is it suddenly finding yourself in a wedding gown, getting married on the N train in front of grumpy strangers on their ways to and from work, like a horrible nightmare from which you cannot awake?

For one beautiful young couple, this was the reality they chose.

26-year-old Hector Irakliotis and 25-year-old Tatyana Sandler, a game designer and film editor, respectively, got married on the N train Friday as it crossed from Brooklyn into Manhattan. According to the New York Daily News, the groomsmen began decorating the train around 3:30p.m., when the groom made an announcement to the other passengers:

"Everyone, hi. I have an announcement to make," the groom said to the other riders. "I am going to be getting married in 20 minutes." He invited everyone to stay, but asked if they would move to the back of the car, which they willingly did.

The bride and bridesmaids boarded the train several stops later. The Daily News spoke to N train passenger Debra Solomon about the subwedding:

"This is something new, something very different," she said laughing. "I think it's very cute! It's romantic. This is definitely a first. And look how cooperative everyone is! That says a lot."

The bride—who, as you can see in the Daily News' photographs, looked quite beautiful—walked down the subway car to an iPhone playing "City Love" by John Mayer. As for why the couple chose the smelly, hot underground tube full of strangers at the height of cold and flu season for the location of their wedding, Irakliotis had this to say:

"We've been through a lot. Good times, bad times, and a lot of the good times have taken place on the train," Irakliotis said. "Confessions of love, reconciliations, goofy, ridiculous conversations — the whole spectrum. In New York, you spend so much time on the train, we thought why not?"

I can think of about 45,000 reasons why not just off the top of my head, but sure.

To be fair, this part is genuinely pretty sweet:

"I'm originally from Ukraine, and each time we'd come back here, I'd say to Hector, 'It doesn't feel like home until I see the skyline as we're crossing the bridge.' And he remembered that. He planned it out specifically so that we'd see the skyline as we were married," she explained.

Congratulations to the happy couple.

Please no one ever do this again.

[image via Shutterstock]

Police Say Killer May Be Targeting the Homeless as They Sleep


Police Say Killer May Be Targeting the Homeless as They Sleep

Authorities in Atlanta are searching for a killer that could be targeting people sleeping outside after two homeless men were found murdered this week under troublingly similar circumstances, WXIA‑TV reports.

"[T]hey appear to have been sleeping when they were shot and both were shot multiple times, and we believe that most likely both were shot in the evening," said Atlanta Police Capt. Paul Guerrucci.

From NBC News:

The first victim, in his 40s, was found dead Monday in a small park he was known for sleeping at, just a couple of blocks from Emory University Hospital in the city's downtown, police said.

Two days later, the body of 64-year-old Tommy Mims, nicknamed Can Man, was found under a railroad bridge. Both men suffered multiple gunshot wounds and were found about two miles apart.

On Friday, Metropolitan Atlanta Task Force for the Homeless director Anita Beaty told NBC she thought the murders were a "a hate crime against the homeless." "All these people were asleep, wrapped up in the cold and they weren't doing anything. What a horrible, frightening pattern," said Beaty.

Crime Stoppers is currently offering up to $2000 for information on the crimes.

[Image via Shutterstock//h/t Daily Mail]

Cop Allegedly Shot a Female Driver Who Dared to Honk at Him


Cop Allegedly Shot a Female Driver Who Dared to Honk at Him

A Texas cop is facing charges after he allegedly shot a female diver in a road rage incident earlier this month.

Kenneth Caplan, a reserve deputy constable with Harris County Precinct 6, was arrested Wednesday on aggravated assault charges. Prosecutors say he almost killed a woman during a road rage incident on Nov. 11.

The unidentified 20-year-old woman told the Houston Chronicle she was driving down the 610 South Loop on Nov. 11 when a driver cut her off. She told reporters she honked at him and then tried to get around him—at which point he allegedly rolled down his window and started firing a gun at her.

The other driver, now identified as Caplan, drove alongside her, rolled his window down, pointed his weapon and opened fire, investigators said.

"I just started crying because I knew I was going to die," said the victim. "I wanted to call my mom to tell her I love you."

Caplan and his female passenger then fled the scene.

Investigators said the female passenger leaned back in her seat while Caplan shot out the window.

"He was aiming at me and I thought he was going to cuss me out. It didn't register that I was, you know, going to get shot," said the victim. "The blood was in between my nails, just crazy blood, and all over my cellphone, just covered."

"All of a sudden I'm driving, and this guy cuts me off. He was about to hit me. I switched to the other lane, I got in front of him and I cut him off. I guess that pissed him off. He went like that and he just fired at me. And then all of sudden I heard a ring in my ear," the woman told KHOU.

The bullet reportedly grazed the woman's head but didn't cause serious injuries.

"I was like 'Oh my God, he just shot me.' I was applying pressure to my head because it wouldn't stop bleeding. I'm going to die in my car on 610," said the victim.

"I feel like I got a taste of death, honestly," she told Click2Houston. "My heart was slowing down and I couldn't really breathe."

The woman told reporters she was able to pull over and call 911.

She was later hospitalized for three days with "non life-threatening injuries." Caplan, who reportedly fled the scene, was arrested and charged with aggravated assault this week.

[image via Shutterstock]

Darren Wilson Finally Resigns from Ferguson P.D.


Darren Wilson Finally Resigns from Ferguson P.D.

Darren Wilson has reportedly announced his resignation from the Ferguson, Missouri, police department, issuing a letter in which he writes that "my continued employment may put the residents and police officers of the City of Ferguson at risk, which is a circumstance that I cannot allow."

Here's the full text of the letter:

I, Darren Wilson, hereby resign my commission as a police officer with the City of Ferguson effective immediately. I have been told that my continued employment may put the residents and police officers of the City of Ferguson at risk, which is a circumstance that I cannot allow. For obvious reasons, I wanted to wait until the grand jury made their decision before I officially made my decision to resign. It was my hope to continue in police work, but the safety of other police officers and the community are of paramount importance to me. It is my hope that my resignation will allow the community to heal. I would like to thank all of my supporters and fellow officers throughout this process.

Cops: Man Broke into Neighbor's Home to Strangle Barking Shih Tzu


Cops: Man Broke into Neighbor's Home to Strangle Barking Shih Tzu

A New Hampshire man faces charges of burglary, cruelty to animals and simple assault after police say he broke into his neighbor's apartment to strangle Oreo the Shih Tzu, seen above.

50-year-old Roger Pelletier was arrested Friday for allegedly trying to silence Oreo's "constant barking" manually, forcing his way into a neighbor's home to choke the dog. However, Pelletier reportedly struggled to throttle poor Oreo, who bit him several times.

Cops: Man Broke into Neighbor's Home to Strangle Barking Shih Tzu

According to the Bangor Daily News, "Oreo survived the assault and will be evaluated by a veterinarian."

[Images via Portsmouth Police/AP Images//h/t NY Daily News]

Afghan Police Shoot Regular Bird-Bird Full of "Suspicious Metal Stuff"


Afghan Police Shoot Regular Bird-Bird Full of "Suspicious Metal Stuff"

Authorities in Afghanistan are investigating a bizarre incident involving a wild bird outfitted with explosives and surveillance equipment* found walking along a road, NBC News reports.

"We are gathering all the stuff," said Faryab province police chief Abdul Nabi Ilham, "but found parts of what looks to be GPS and a small camera."

Afghan Police Shoot Regular Bird-Bird Full of "Suspicious Metal Stuff"

According to Ilham, officers decided to shoot the strange bird after they saw it bore a radio antenna. Described as "larger than an eagle," the robo-bird exploded when shot, scattering "suspicious metal stuff."

Police said this was the first time they had "made such an encounter," presumably meaning one with an exploding cybernetic bird.

*UPDATE: Twitter user @vincereestviver makes a compelling case for the mysterious bird being a rare houbara bustard carrying a wildlife tracker. Why the bird would be rigged with explosives—as the initial report says it was—is still unclear.

UPDATE 2: Aaron Bernstein points out that the phrase "Houbara Conservation" can be made out during a close-up of the equipment, making this less of a weird cyberbird and more of a regular bird inaccurately described.

[ Images via NBC]

Soap Opera Actor Hit by Alleged Drunk Driver, Attacked on Thanksgiving


Soap Opera Actor Hit by Alleged Drunk Driver, Attacked on Thanksgiving

A TV actor and model was hospitalized with a broken arm after he was hit by a car and attacked by an allegedly drunk driver in a parking lot on Thanksgiving.

Corey Sligh, a Young and the Restless actor who also works as a model, told cops he was on his way to deliver a Thanksgiving meal to a friend when he and his girlfriend pulled into a Los Angeles RiteAid parking lot.

The attack started after Sligh noticed an allegedly drunk driver doing donuts in the lot with a friend.

"They almost hit people in the parking lot. They were hitting curbs, and Corey said, 'Please slow down or we're gonna call the cops. Just go home,'" Sligh's girlfriend, Alisa Berhorst told CBS.

Instead, LAPD officers say, the driver apparently hit Sligh with his car, then got out and starting beating him.

"The guy walked up on him like 'I'm in the mood to kill somebody and this is who it's going to be because he told me to be careful and slow down and go away," Berhorst said.

The two men reportedly fled the scene but were apprehended nearby after crashing the car. Sligh suffered a broken arm in the attack and reportedly underwent surgery at Cedars-Sinai.

[image via CBS]

Creed Singer Releases More Bizarre Videos, Says Heads Ready to Roll


Creed Singer Releases More Bizarre Videos, Says Heads Ready to Roll

Following up on an earlier "Public Statement" that revealed he was "penniless" and had been living in his truck, Creed signer Scott Stapp uploaded two more rambling videos this week, discussing his financial troubles, the removal of God from American life and the vengeance soon to find those who have wronged him.

"Now the process has officially begun and heads are getting ready to start rolling," says Stapp in one of the videos. "[A]nd individuals who have slandered me and stolen from me and physically threatened me and physically assaulted me are going to start doing their time, getting busted, getting caught."

In that same clip, Stapp attributes the "evil" he's faced to a "soul sickness" in America, saying, "We've taken God out of everything—we won't allow kids to pray to Christ or God in our public schools, but we sure will make allowances for Muslims and Hindus and Buddhists to have their freedom of religion."

On Wednesday, Stapp's estranged wife filed papers seeking a 60-day psychiatric hold on the musician, who she says has been hearing "phantom voices" and seeing paranoid visions "of people on fire." Earlier this month, police placed Stapp on a 72-hour hold after he was found on the side of a road "wasted, incoherent and rambling."

On Friday, Stapp deleted both videos and released a statement via Creed's official Facebook page:

I'm going to step back and let God control everything from here on. I should have continued to do that before I allowed my hurt, frustration, and emotions take control and post those videos. All I can say is that the truth will set you (me) free, and I'm holding on to Jeremiah 29:11 and Isaiah 44:8. This is a test of faith, and I will NEVER give up or lose my faith. No matter what. This will be my last statement until after justice is served. Love to you all my friends.

[Image via YouTube//h/t Stereogum]

Bride, Groom Say "I Do" to Alcohol in Drunken Australian Wedding Brawl


Bride, Groom Say "I Do" to Alcohol in Drunken Australian Wedding Brawl

It took a dozen police officers to calm down a drunken Australian wedding celebration that ended with the bride in the hospital and the groom and best man under arrest Friday.

According to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, the trouble began around midnight, when paramedics were called to the wedding to rescue the bride, who was suffering from alcohol poisoning.

The medical responders, wary of the "drunk and rowdy crowd" reportedly called for police backup.

While the bride was being hospitalized, a fight broke out among the remaining wedding guests and the police—"some of the wedding party became aggressive and threw punches," cops told ABC.

It ultimately took six police units to get the party under control.

The groom and his best man were both arrested on disorderly conduct charges. And according to reports, the guys weren't the only ones brawling—the bride's maid of honor was "spoken to" by police but was ultimately not taken into custody.

[image via Shutterstock]

Passengers Evacuated From American Airlines Flight in JFK Bomb Threat


Passengers Evacuated From American Airlines Flight in JFK Bomb Threat

Passengers were evacuated from an American Airlines flight at New York's JFK airport Sunday morning as police investigate a bomb threat onboard.

According to the New York Fire Department, the threat was made over American Airlines Flight 67—a direct flight between Barcelona and New York—which landed at JFK on Runway 31 Sunday.

Port Authority police are reportedly searching the plane and the NYPD bomb squad and FDNY are on the scene. The threat may have been made by phone, WPIX reports.

Twenty-five units and 105 firefighters responded to the airport, the Daily News reports.

Passengers on the flight—including former UBS President and Chief Operating Officer Robert Wolf—have been tweeting live updates from the airfield:

Update 4 pm:

The flight was cleared this afternoon after authorities found "no evidence of any danger" on the plane.

[image via @robertwolf32]

Passengers Report TSA Hell Lines Over a Mile Long in Chicago


Passengers Report TSA Hell Lines Over a Mile Long in Chicago

On Sunday, Thanksgiving travelers flying out of Chicago's Midway International took to social media to document the airport's Kafkaesque security lanes, which reportedly stretched over a mile long this morning.

According to KOMO 4 journalist Denise Whitaker (who ended up missing her flight) the full line mapped out to 1.2 miles.

Predictably, attempts at bribery soon followed.

"This happens sometimes," a Chicago Aviation Department spokeswoman told the Chicago Sun Times, a line that could very well serve as the official slogan of holiday travel.

[Image via Twitter/Denise Whitaker]

Rams Players Enter Field With "Hands Up, Don't Shoot"


St. Louis Rams players recognized this week's Ferguson protests with an emphatic gesture during player introductions when several members of the team's receiving corps entered the field in the "hands up, don't shoot" pose.

Stedman Bailey, Tavon Austin, Jared Cook, Chris Givens, and Kenny Britt came out with their hands up, before being joined by the rest of the team to start the game.


Long-Lost Painting Was Being Used as a Hollywood Prop


Long-Lost Painting Was Being Used as a Hollywood Prop

A long-lost Hungarian masterpiece was hiding in plain sight all along—as a prop on the set of the Stuart Little movie.

"Sleeping Lady with Black Vase," a painting by Robert Bereny, disappeared in the 1920s. It remained missing until 2009, when Gergely Barki, an art historian at the National Gallery in Budapest, decided to watch Stuart Little with his daughter on Christmas.

"It was not just on screen for one second but in several scenes of the film, so I knew I was not dreaming. It was a very happy moment," Barki told the New York Post.

He immediately began reaching out to Sony Pictures and Columbia Pictures. After two years of searching, he finally got in contact with the set designer, who told him she had the painting, which she purchased for $500, hanging on her wall.

"She had snapped it up for next-to-nothing in an antiques shop in Pasadena, California, thinking its avant-garde elegance was perfect for Stuart Little's living room," Barki said.

The set designer reportedly sold the painting to an art dealer, who returned it to Hungary. It's set for auction next month with a starting bid of $110,000.

Barki tells the Post the original buyer was probably Jewish and fled Hungary during World War II.

[Stuart Little screenshot via Vanity Fair]

Shia LeBeouf Collaborators Confirm Sexual Assault Incident


Shia LeBeouf Collaborators Confirm Sexual Assault Incident

Two artists who worked on Shia LeBeouf's #IAMSORRY project released identical statements on Sunday that seemed to confirm the actor's recent claim that he had been sexually assaulted during his performance.

Early Sunday morning, Nastja Säde Rönkkö and Luke Turner tweeted some "important clarifications" about LeBeouf's art show, writing, "Nowhere did we state that people could do whatever they wanted to Shia" and "As soon as we were aware of the incident starting to occur, we put a stop to it."

Asked by Piers Morgan why they allowed LeBeouf's rapist to escape, Turner told the broadcaster, "It wasn't clear at the time precisely what had happened" and "She ran out, rather than simply walking away."

"Beyond that, it's not my place to comment," said Turner.

On Thursday, Dazed published an extensive interview with LeBeouf in which the actor said he had been raped during his performance of #IAMSORRY in February.

"One woman who came with her boyfriend, who was outside the door when this happened, whipped my legs for 10 minutes and then striped my clothing and proceeded to rape me," LeBeouf told the magazine. "Then walked out with her lipstick smudged to her awaiting boyfriend, who I imagine was quite hurt by it. All this happened in front of hundreds of people."

[Image via AP Images//h/t Daily Mail]

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