Oscar-winning ball of sunshine and jazz-hands-fueled energy Anne Hathaway (pictured above, raising the roof) puts the "Oy!" in "cloying" and knows that you're mocking her. She's affected by the mass sneering that occurs after she does anything in public, she recently told Us Weekly:
It does get to me. But you have to remember in life that there's a positive to every negative and a negative to every positive. The miracle of the universe is that, as far as they know, there's 51 percent matter versus 49 percent anti-matter — things tip in the scale of the positive. So that is what I focus on.
The miracle of Anne Hathway is that she is also an Oscar-winning physicist.
In a follow-up story, Us reports that a source told the e-rag that Hathaway "did practice her Oscar speech a lot to try and be more likable."
"She was very aware that she had been the butt of everyone's jokes," the source says.
Anne Hathaway, you'll remember, opened her speech with, "It came true!" as though we were all collectively dreaming of the moment when Anne Hathaway would finally be holding an Academy Award for recreating the "Nothing Compares 2 U" video. She also used the adjective "lionhearted," probably referenced jumping in front of Les Misérables producer Eric Fellner at the Golden Globes to mention someone she forgot to thank because it wasn't insufferable enough the first time around (at the Oscars, she thanked her "team" member Josh Lieberman once and then "again, just to be safe!") and concluded with a reminder of the activist angle she tried shilling (perhaps with not enough specificity) in a few interviews regarding her role of Fantine: "Here's hoping that someday in the not-too-distant future, the misfortunes of Fantine will only be found in stories and never more in real life."
The anonymously sourced Us story might not be true, but it's fun to pretend it is because it creates a new reason to be mad at Anne Hathaway. It's one thing if she's just being herself; it's another if she's trying to be likeable and failing.
Caity Weaver and I brainstormed a few things she could have said to open up that would have been less likeable than, "It came true." Among them:
- "Blerg squared!"
- (To Oscar) "I've been waiting for you for so long!"
- "Yoo hoo! Me again!"
- "You like me, you really like me!"
- "This moment is so much bigger than me...Oh wait, no it's not!!!"
- "We did it!"
[Image via Getty]