Remember when conservative comedian and Fox News contributor Steven Crowder was punched in the face by a union activist outside a Michigan protest? Crowder made a big deal about it, even going so far as to challenge the protester to a "legal, sanctioned mixed martial arts bout." Then came the unsurprising revelation that the video was misleadingly edited to make Crowder look like an innocent, if obnoxious, victim.
That heavily edited video, which Fox News themselves released, is the reason why, on Monday, Ingham County Prosecutor Stuart Dunnings III announced he will not press charges against the protester, who Dunnings said was trying to defend himself.
"It's pretty clear the person that they wanted to charge was acting in self-defense," Dunnings said of the union member who apparently slugged Crowder.
...Dunnings questioned why Crowder didn't initially provide that original footage to Dunnings' office.
"I'm not holding that against him, but why would they provide the edited video? The longer video clearly shows the guy got pushed down and came up swinging," Dunnings said.
Dunnings's decision was based on the state police's investigation, which reviewed both the edited and unedited versions of the video.
Crowder didn't respond to requests for comment from the Lansing State Journal or The Detroit News. But earlier this month, however, he did publish another insightful and hilarious column on how to deal with husbands badmouthing their wives.
Here's my challenge to the real men out there; it's very simple. If you have a good marriage, talk about it. If you love your wife, say it. If some moron tells you that you're merely a "newlywed" or that you're still just "too young to understand," correct them. Openhanded slaps to the face are preferable.