Business Insider has acquired an affidavit containing text messages apparently sent between former Subway spokesman Jared Fogle and a former female subway franchisee. In them, Fogle reportedly asks her to advertise herself for sex on Craigslist and claims he paid for sex with a 16-year-old girl.
The woman, with whom Fogle was having a sexual relationship, says she shared the text messages with Subway management after becoming uncomfortable with his behavior, Business Insider reports. No action was taken, and Subway says there is no record of the woman’s complaint. An affidavit containing the text messages was reportedly subpoenaed recently by the FBI.
In the messages, Fogle repeatedly asks the woman — a Subway franchisee at the time — to advertise herself on Craigslist for sex with other men.
He asks her if he can watch the sexual acts and tells her she can make about $500 per act.
According to Business Insider, Fogle also asked the former franchisee to introduce him to her cousin, who, at the time, was underage (the age of consent in Fogle’s home state of Indiana is 16):
“When can we find a time for me to talk to your cousin?” Fogle asks in a message dated May 1, 2008.
“Any more news with your cousin?” he asks the following day. “Tell me what u think about when u think of the three of us all together???”
Earlier, in April, according to the affidavit, Fogle asked the woman, “How young would you like?... Would you want to have an adventure like that?”
On June 19, the lawyer says that Fogle again asked the woman to advertise herself on Craigslist. She responds: “Is this the same website you found that 16 year old girl you that you f*****? ...I still can’t believe you only paid $100 for her.”
Fogle responds: “It was amazing!!!!”
She asks: “What part of her ad made you think she was selling sex?”
He says: “U will have to read them to see.”
Last month, Fogle’s home was raided as part of a child-pornography investigation.
The messages in the affidavit begin in January 2008 and end in June 2008. According to BI, they were recorded from the woman’s phone by a court reporter in 2008, witnessed and verified by a notary public. BI claims to have independently verified the authenticity of the texts.
The woman’s lawyer, who asked to remain anonymous, said the FBI recently subpoenaed the affidavit from his office; a spokeswoman for the FBI’s Southern Indiana branch would neither confirm nor deny to BI that the FBI subpoenaed the messages.
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