Perhaps Ben Affleck’s not been given the credit he deserves—not for his filmography, or his gambling prowess, if you want to call it that—no—I’m talking about credit for his unbelievable powers of persuasion.
See, according to Page Six, Affleck managed to convince his wife, Jennifer Garner, to watch their kids on their Bahamas vacation while he cheated on her with their nanny, who was there to watch their kids on their Bahamas vacation. And say what you want about Affleck, but it takes a real mensch to ensure the kids still have adult supervision while he’s off cheating on his wife. Sorry did I say mensch? I meant schmuck.
But wouldn’t you know it, his incredibly brazen plan worked—sort of:
Affleck, an avid gambler, had initially asked Ouzounian to join him on a flight back to LA from the Bahamas — while his clueless spouse stayed behind with their three kids, a source said.
“He assured her it was OK. Technically, he was her boss,’’ the source told Hollywood
“But along the way, he convinced her to go to Las Vegas with him for [a] poker tournament. They even stopped and picked up Tom Brady for the trip. While in Vegas, Ben hid Christine the entire time.
Unfortunately, it would seem Affleck’s charisma only stretches so far: Garner, who presumably woke up and realized she was nannying her own kids while simultaneously paying a full-time nanny to sleep with her husband, eventually “flipped out” and fired Ouzounian.
So what did Ben do? Surely, you’re thinking, Ben did something—I mean, the man risked his marriage to jet off into the sunset with the hot nanny. He must have done something. Well your naïveté sickens me.
“Ben did nothing about it.”
The morals of the story, here, I think are twofold: 1) never trust Ben Affleck and 2) yeah, no, really, don’t trust Ben Affleck.
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