State Rep. Claims He Was Blackmailed Into Planting Fake Gay Sex Rumor About...
Michigan Rep. Todd Courser, the man who sent an anonymous mass email to start a fake gay sex rumor about himself to deflect attention from the real extramarital affair he had with fellow state...
View ArticleAbout That Twist in The Gift
At one point in the middle of Joel Edgerton’s The Gift, I thought to myself, “This movie is playing me like a violin.” It is taut throughout and includes one of the most suspenseful cinematic scenes in...
View ArticleTaiwanese Tornado Video Proves Even Weak Tornadoes Aren't All That Weak
Typhoon Soudelor hit Taiwan this weekend with winds equivalent to those seen in a category three hurricane, causing immense damage and killing more than 20 people. Despite its power and destruction as...
View ArticleNicki Minaj Not Pregnant, Just Enjoys Calling People "Baby Father"
Nicki Minaj, currently letting boyfriend Meek Mill tag along on her world tour (whenever he’s not busy with his job as the punching bag at Drake’s home gym), sparked rumors that she’s also letting...
View ArticleReport: Upworthy's Lefty Owners Scared Employees Out of Unionization
Upworthy bet millions of venture capital dollars that progressive values are the ultimate viral content. But after being forsaken by Facebook and facing layoffs, we’re told the site’s left-wing...
View ArticleState of Emergency Declared in Ferguson as Protestors Arrested Outside...
As prominent Black Lives Matter activists, including DeRay McKesson, Johnetta Elzie, and Cornel West, were being arrested outside the St. Louis federal courthouse, the executive of St. Louis County...
View ArticleWho Was the True Detective? True Detective's Bleak Finale Explained
For true detectives, heaven is a place called Venezuela. Our time together is over for now, but it is not the end, fellow detectives, not unless HBO fails to pick True Detective up for a third season....
View ArticleBuy Jalopnik’s Book Of Car Facts And History Even Gearheads Don’t Know
Barnes & NobleSo, we wrote an eBook: Jalopnik’s Book of Car Facts and History Even Gearheads Don’t Know. Snappy title, right? It’s available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple iBooks, and...
View ArticleOn Ferguson and the Enduring Resilience of Black People
On the anniversary of the shooting of 18 year-old Michael Brown by Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson, another young black man—18 year-old black Tyrone Harris Jr.—was shot by police officers in...
View ArticleDangerous Liaison: White House Staffer Arrested for Firing at Cheating...
A special aide to President Obama who discovered a cover-up at the highest levels of government—her Capitol Police boyfriend’s affair—is currently behind bars after allegedly taking revenge on him with...
View ArticleThe founder of a charity group that was displaced from its Venice Beach...
The founder of a charity group that was displaced from its Venice Beach office by Snapchat’s expansion says that “a Snapchat executive told her he had noticed one of her homeless clients sweeping the...
View ArticleCrossfit Exceptionalism Finally Meets The Holocaust
There are few things as funny as crazed Crossfit evangelism. There are also few things as funny as someone doing something dumb and narcissistic at a war memorial. This weekend, the two finally and...
View Article500 Days of Kristin, Day 197: A Fun Question for Kristin
Kristin Cavallari recently consented to an interview with the beauty blog, which resulted in the instant classic blog post, “How Kristin Cavallari Does It All (and Still Looks Amazing).”...
View ArticleMarco Rubio Explains Science: A Human Cannot Become a Cat
Yesterday, Marco Rubio went on national television to reaffirm his awful anti-abortion beliefs to the public. And of course, to confirm that humans are not, in fact, cats.The defense comes in the wake...
View ArticleGoogle Has Become Alphabet; This Means Virtually Nothing For You
Google announced Monday that it’s now part of a new umbrella company called Alphabet, which will separate its core internet businesses (still called Google) from Google execs’ various side projects...
View ArticleQUIZ: Who Are These People?
One of the most common questions one asks when reading celebrity gossip and entertainment news is, “Who is that?” Because for every Rihanna, there are about 57 people named, like, Jenna or Danny...
View ArticleRick Perry's Campaign Doesn't Have Any Money to Pay His Staffers
Rick Perry is a day late and a literal dollar short to the Republican primaries—his campaign reportedly stopped paying staffers last week because he has no money left.According to the Washington Post,...
View ArticleDonald Sterling Sues TMZ and Ex-Mistress, Says They Edited Tape to Make Him...
Donald Sterling, a billionaire who used to own a basketball team and found it unseemly for his mistress to be seen in public with black people, is suing his former mistress and gossip site TMZ for...
View ArticleGizmodo Google Creates Alphabet, a New Company to Rule Them All | Jezebel...
Gizmodo Google Creates Alphabet, a New Company to Rule Them All | Jezebel Lexi, Won’t You Think of All the Lives Lost at the Hands of Fall Out Boy | Kotaku Ronda Rousey Dishes On Pokémon and Dragon...
View ArticleReport: Ben Affleck Made His Wife Nanny the Kids While He Wifed Up the Nanny
Perhaps Ben Affleck’s not been given the credit he deserves—not for his filmography, or his gambling prowess, if you want to call it that—no—I’m talking about credit for his unbelievable powers of...
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