Today three idiots trapped in a box unleashed their indignation on Emily Blunt, a British actress who, despite being “very pretty,” has thus far declined to display the appropriate deference due our great nation, which has given her so much and asked for so little in return.
Blunt’s crime? It was truly audacious—she made a little joke: “I became an American citizen recently and that night we decided to watch the Republican debate, and I thought this was a terrible mistake. What have I done?”
“I’m not sure I’m entirely thrilled about it. People ask me about the whole day. They were like, ‘Oh it must have been so emotional.’ I was like, ‘It wasn’t, it was sad. I like being British.’”
Not one to let an obvious joke slide is Fox & Friends cohost Anna Kooiman, who rather impressively doesn’t laugh, not even once, as she scolds Blunt: “Why don’t you leave Hollywood, California, and let some American women take on the roles that you’re getting, because Americans are watching your movies and lining your pockets.”
Don’t think about it too much, it makes total sense: “She’s been in movies like Devil Wears Prada.”
Anything else the viewers need to know?
“By the way, she lived with Michael Buble in Vancouver and then married John Krasinski,” says Brian Kilmeade—who is not, surprisingly, just out of a coma. He concedes Krasinski “was very good on The Office.”
“You know what Emily Blunt just did? She just Dixie Chicked herself. She has alienated half the country, that now will think twice about going to one of her movies,” Steve Doocy, an employee of Fox News, says out loud.
And there you have it.
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