Bad news for the narcissistic. Not only are we embarrassing ourselves with our selfies, but we appear to be killing ourselves as well. So far this year, there have been 12 reported deaths while attempting to take a selfie, compared to only eight from shark attacks, UPROXX reports.
Now obviously the reason for this figure is not the selfie itself, but that humans are idiots.
Earlier this month a tourist died trying to take a “worldly” selfie while on the stairs of the Taj Mahal, the BBC Reports. A woman died this year in Moscow by shooting herself in the head while attempting to take a “cute” selfie with a gun, and a man in Spain was gored to death while taking a “badass” selfie during the running of the bulls, Mirror reports.
Last one to take a selfie with a shark’s a rotten egg!
[Image via Shutterstock]