Alexander Heit, a University of Northern Colorado student from Boulder, passed away earlier this month from injuries he sustained after losing control of his car and flipping over while driving through Greeley.
He was texting at the time.
In his memory, Heit's parents have published a photo in the Greeley Tribune showing the 22-year-old's last, unsent text, which he was typing just before the accident.
"Sounds good my man," Heit was responding to a friend, "seeya soon, ill tw."
He never got to finish the sentence.
"I can't bear the thought of anyone else having to go through something like this," Heit's mother Sharon writes in the accompanying article. "Please, vow to never, NEVER text and drive. In a split second you could ruin your whole future, injure or kill others, and tear a hole in the heart of everyone who loves you."
Colorado banned texting and driving back in 2009, but, as Denver Westword's Latest Word blog points out, the law was subsequently mocked by Boulder County Sheriff Joe Pelle as a "feel-good" law that "will be difficult to enforce."
[photo via Greeley]