"Luvvbazaar," is a "short film" in that it's kind of long and has MJ-esque movements. It's the latest video from Kansas City/New York band SSION, who were responsible for my favorite video of 2012, "My Love Grows in the Dark."
The first part of "Luvvbazaar" pretty much captures what going out looks like in New York, or at least what going to a SSION show looks, as people revel in the fabulousness of unfabulousness amongst wall-to-wall references. (The song itself is highly reminiscent — its bass line reminds me of that in the Pet Shop Boys' freestyle-aping "Domino Dancing.")
And then, in a Wizard of Oz color inversion, singer Cody Critcheloe (whose acquired taste of a voice is well worth getting into), steps out into the bright and saturated night, hits CVS and frolics in the aisles to a live rendition of Alicia Keys' solo version of "Empire State of Mind." Again, it's the fabulousness of unfabulousness amongst wall-to-wall references: what going out in New York looks like.
The last section is the weirdest, but the drag queen's dress is lovely.