God is great, God is good, and Lindsay Lohan miraculously recovered from her grave upper respiratory infection in time to make it to court in L.A. today.
It was reported yesterday that Lohan was planning to get herself excused from missing the court date she did not feel like attending right now by pleading sick. Her new lawyer, Mark Heller, submitted a packet of documents to the judge that included a doctor's note explaining that Lohan was suffering from an upper respiratory infection, as well as a copy of a Post story proving that sickness is a thing that can happen to a person.
However, when it emerged that Lindsay had been photographed boutique shopping the day she was allegedly deemed too sick for justice, many speculated that Judge Stephanie Sautner would issue a warrant for her arrest if she missed her scheduled court appearance.
Lohan and her mom-but-don't-tell-them-I'm-your-mom-tell-them-I'm-your-older-sister Dina flew from New York to California late Tuesday evening. After being turned away from a couple chi-chi hotels (Shutters on the Beach and a Loews) last night, Lohan arrived to court on time this morning. Her lawyer carried a Louis Vuitton monogrammed briefcase and a lucky rabbit's foot.
Inside the courtroom, Judge Sautner said to Lohan "I'm glad to see you're feeling better." Lindsay chuckled and responded "Thank you." It was a little awkward.
Things got slightly worse when Lohan's lawyer tried to tell the judge that Lohan's upper respiratory infection was, in fact, the flu, and the judge had none of it.
"No, it isn't in the flu…it's a separate test."
Heller also tried to schmooze with Sautner, a fellow New Yorker, by telling the her he'd heard that she was a former New York City detective.
The response: "Flattery doesn't get you anywhere in this court."
Lohan's trial will take place in March and maybe she will come to that.
[TMZ // Image via AP]