There Is a Visible Penis Outline in One Direction's New Video, and Other...
Earlier this week, to the delight of the young, the young at heart, gay boys and lecherous cable TV execs all around the globe, British boy band One Direction released the video for their single "Kiss...
View ArticleShooting Blanks: Gangster Squad, Reviewed.
If a group of 12-year-old boys wanted to make a movie in their backyard, there's a good chance it might end up something like Gangster Squad. Sure, it wouldn't have the flashy production design and big...
View ArticleWorst Wheel of Fortune Contestant Ever Thinks Johnny Cash Wrote a Song Called...
Being familiar with Johnny Cash (and, potentially, his struggles with alcohol abuse) while not knowing the name of what is arguably his most famous song does not make Natasha Holly of Green Acres,...
View ArticleToday's Song: Destiny's Child "Nuclear"
Yesterday, on the heels of a fake-out by Justin Timberlake that many thought would be his new single but turned out to be a minute-long ponderous YouTube video about him not releasing music, a new...
View ArticleJackie Chan Thinks America is 'The Most Corrupt' Nation in the World
As it turns out, Jackie Chan is not very grateful to the country that helped him roundhouse kick his way into an estimated $130 million fortune. Speaking on a television show in Hong Kong, Chan had...
View ArticleAutistic Contestant Will Participate in Miss America Pageant for the Very...
When Alexis Wineman was diagnosed with borderline Asperger Syndrome at age 11, she thought the answer to "what was wrong with me" came too late. "I felt so alone growing up, and I still do at times,"...
View ArticleDeaf Man Stabbed After Sign Language Mistaken for Gang Signs
A deaf man in Burlington, North Carolina, was stabbed multiple times after his sign-language conversation with another deaf man was mistaken for gang signs. The incident took place Wednesday afternoon...
View ArticleWatch Mariah Carey Suffer a Crisis While Attempting to Preserve Her 'Good' Side
Ladies and gentlemen, prepare your sympathies: when Mariah Carey was 19, someone (probably Tommy Mottola) drilled into her head that her left side is her "bad side." She has struggled with this...
View ArticleThe New Girl Scout Cookie Tastes Like BULLSHIT
Did you know that the Girl Scouts, America's rag-tag crème puff children's militia, are rolling out a new cookie this year? "Oh my God," you say to yourself. "Thin Mints, Shortbreads, Peanut Butter...
View ArticleCEO of Weapons Training Company Who Threatened to 'Start Killing People' Over...
The head of firearms training company who took to YouTube and Facebook this week to threaten a murderous response to any attempt on the Obama administration's part to "ban assault rifles and impose...
View ArticleHow One Writer Tried to Defy Her Publisher and Reveal the Abusive...
"I set out to write a memoir that was a love letter to a man I was deeply in love with, a man who challenged me in myriad ways, a man who changed my life profoundly, a man I respected and honored...
View ArticleReddit Cofounder, Digital Activist Aaron Swartz Dead From Suicide at 26
Aaron Swartz, a programmer and Internet activist who co-founded a company that would eventually grow into Reddit, committed suicide Friday in New York City, according to The Tech and Boing Boing....
View Article18th Century Cannon in Central Park Found Loaded and Ready to Fire
On Friday, conservancy workers in New York's Central Park discovered a fully loaded, ready-to-fire 18th century cannon during a routine cleaning. Upon finding the ammunition after removing the...
View ArticleIt's Not Too Late to Join Florida's '2013 Python Challenge'
If you have always dreamed of killing giant snakes but found yourself hampered by a lack of funds, worry no more: Florida state officials are ready to pay anyone willing to help rid them of wild...
View ArticleAlleged Arsonist Fights Off Firefighters After Setting Pinkberry Building...
According to the NYPD, a 45-year-old man set a massive fire above a Pinkberry yogurt shop in Manhattan's Nolita neighborhood Thursday night, leaving one dead and several injured. Police believe the...
View ArticleHow To Not Die of the Flu
Yes, the flu season is really bad this year. No, it's not entirely due to "people use too much Purell nowadays" or whining about what's probably just a cold, either. The CDC reports that more than...
View ArticleThe Unbearable Invisibility of White Masculinity: Innocence In the Age of...
I have been profiled my entire life as innocent. When disruptive in class, I was told that I was eccentric, that I needed to work on my focus. Growing up, I looked for fights and conflicts yet I never...
View ArticleFlashmob Performs Heartwarming Cover of 'Here Comes the Sun' in Madrid...
Spain is in the midst of prolonged and devastating financial crisis. Its economy lost roughly 800,000 jobs last year, more than half of under-25-year-olds are unemployed, and the total unemployment...
View ArticleBowie and Timberlake: Who Came Out of Retirement Better?
Both David Bowie and Justin Timberlake, you may recall, announced (or coyly hinted at; it still might just be a Myspace party) the release of new music earlier this week, which is very exciting. So...
View ArticleThe Only Abortion Clinic in Mississippi Missed State Compliance Deadline, May...
The only abortion clinic in the state of Mississippi came one step closer to closure today. Last year, the state passed an ordinance requiring all of the doctors working at the Jackson Women's Health...
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