'Kung Fu Grandpa' Practicing with Nunchucks in a Grocery Store Parking Lot...
Come for the 58-, 63-year-old Richmond, Virginia, resident "getting his Kung Fu Nunchuck Panda on" in the Parking Lot of a local Food Lion on Good Friday, stay for Rev. Aamon R. "Who's Your Daddy"...
View ArticlePepsi Bottles Have a Sporty New Shape and Every Thing Is Different Now
Finally, a Pepsi bottle appropriate for your high-octane lifestyle. For the first time since 1996, 16 and 20 oz. Pepsi bottles are getting a redesign, aimed at, according to the press release,...
View ArticleBreaking Development in North Korea Crisis: 'Leek Widely Used for Dishes in...
North Korean leader Kim Jon Un has placed his nation's missiles on standby and announced that he is targeting the American mainland. The leader has made recent brash public gestures of militarism, and...
View ArticleHeeeeere's Theory! The Shining Gets Chopped to Discursive Bits in Room 237
Like the film that provides its source material, Rodney Ascher's new-media documentary Room 237 about Stanley Kubrick's 1980 horror film The Shining, is a cinematic vise. However, 237 owes it tension...
View ArticleRochester Professor Wonders Why Rapists Shouldn't Be Allowed to 'Reap the...
Steven Landsburg is an economics professor at the University of Rochester. Formerly a Slate columnist, Landsburg is well-versed in the art of the high-minded counterintuitive take, like "Don't Vote:...
View ArticleMan Accused of Trying to Kill Coworker He Was Stalking by Spiking Her Heels...
A woman has had the tips of five of her toes removed after police say a coworker who was stalking her slipped hydrofluoric acid into her shoes. Tatsujiro Fukazawa of Gotemba, Japan, was arrested...
View ArticleHorrifying Dentist’s Office Used Rusty Tools, Exposing 7,000 to HIV, Hepatitis
A dentist's office in suburban Tusla, Oklahoma could have exposed 7,000 patients to a variety of blood-borne viruses including hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and HIV. Susan Rogers, executive director of...
View ArticleLil Wayne Writes Best Review of the New Lil Wayne Album: "Uh, It Sucks. I...
Proving that even at his worst, he is among the best, impish rapper Lil Wayne appeared on L.A.'s Power 106 to discuss his new album, I Am Not a Human Being II, and not dying. Wayne added his voice to...
View ArticleSan Francisco Community Rallies Around Mysterious 'Elf Door' Found in Tree
A miniature tree door of unknown origin just showed up one day in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park, and has been captivating neighborhood residents ever since. "When I see the door, I think of the...
View ArticleLamestain Boston Cops Google 'Punk Rocker,' Use Results to Crack Down on...
Joe Sly is such a hardcore Boston punk. He's so punk, his email address is Bostonbeatgang@gmail.com. He's so punk that he proactively emails noise bands to see when and where they're coming to Boston...
View ArticleInfographic: Watch 20 Years of More and More American Children Approaching...
Dataspin, a weekly data visualization column on Deadspin, makes occasional appearances on Gawker. For my summer job in high school, I sided houses for a contractor. One day my boss was complaining...
View ArticleThe 'Harlem Shake' Viral Craze Was Created By Corporations
Internet memes are often portrayed as the last bastion of truly spontaneous culture—almost magic things that spawn haphazardly from the digital mire. This may have been somewhat true with early...
View ArticleSome Poor Kid's Mom Wrote a Letter to Princeton's Student Newspaper Begging...
Attention: Women of Princeton. If you are seeking your ideal life partner—and you are—you now know where to find him. He is the boy stretched out on the cool linoleum of a dusty back aisle in the...
View ArticleHow to Drink Like a Gentleman: The Things to Do and the Things Not To, as...
If the moral theologians in practice among us were engined by anything properly describable as apostolic zeal, they would be giving over a large part of their time, in these apocalyptic days, to...
View ArticleNorth Korea Says It's Entering a 'State of War' with South Korea; Experts Say...
Despite the fact that North Korea and South Korea have technically been at war since the 1950s, when their hostilities ended with a ceasefire rather than a peace treaty, the North has now claimed to...
View ArticleWhy Did The Supreme Court Take Up Gay Marriage Anyway?
With observers feeling that the Supreme Court is going to stop short of a constitutional right to gay marriage, and several liberal justices voicing their concerns about why they were hearing this case...
View ArticleMan Given Probation After Mercy Killing of Elderly Wife
An Arizona man who faced up to 12 years in prison after pleading guilty to killing his ailing wife was given unsupervised probation yesterday in a ruling the judge described as one that "tempers...
View ArticleMayor of Austin Prepared for North Korea Attack as U.S. Continues Show of Force
After releasing photos on Friday showing Kim Jong-Un and his advisers reviewing plans to attack major (and some not so major) American cities, mayors of those cities have responded to the possible (eh,...
View ArticleGlass Blowing
We were leaving a place that no longer exists, reminiscing about a bar that had recently closed. I wondered why the measure of love was loss in this city. "I don't follow you," Ricky said, beginning...
View ArticleMaine Zumba Teacher Pleads Guilty to Prostitution, Ending Fantastic Scandal
Alexis Wright plead guilty to prostitution on Friday, ending a truly entertaining scandal that shocked the small vacation town of Kennebunk, Maine. Her guilty plea avoids a high-profile trial that...
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