Look at How Easy It Is to Fool a Blogger
The internet “news” industry, such as it is, asks writers, some of whom may be young and/or inexperienced, to quickly churn out blog posts in order to provide websites with a steady foundation of daily...
View ArticleDeadspin The Cool Pope In Central Park: A Totally Worthwhile Five-Hour Ordeal...
Deadspin The Cool Pope In Central Park: A Totally Worthwhile Five-Hour Ordeal | io9 Is There Life on Mars? Here’s What the Water NASA Just Found Means | Jalopnik The Pope Has A Small But Deadly Army Of...
View ArticleNASA Scientists Concerned About Infecting Mars' Pristine Water With Microbes...
We’re pretty close to destroying the Earth, but good news! We might soon have the chance to transform another planet into “an immense pile of filth” — NASA announced today that it has discovered...
View ArticleAfter Years of Unrequited Burns-Love, Smithers Will Come Out This Season on...
The Simpsons, a show that has been on the air basically since the beginning of time, is nearing the end of its inexorable march toward death.Executive producer Al Jean told The Hollywood Reporter that...
View ArticleThe Gospel According to Justin Bieber
Justin Bieber sat down for a interview with Complex recently, and shit got pretty heavy, man. One gets the distinct sense this dude has been pondering some deep. questions. And I’m happy to report:...
View ArticleMTV Star Erik Roner Dies After Hitting Tree While Skydiving at Celebrity Golf...
Erik Roner, a member of Travis Pastrana’s “action sport collective” featured on the MTV show Nitro Circus, was killed on Monday in a freak skydiving accident. He was 39.Roner was part of a three-man...
View ArticleWatch the Opening Monologue of Trevor Noah's Instantly Recognizable The Daily...
Tonight was the debut episode of The Daily Show With Trevor Noah, the South African comedian plucked from relative obscurity to replace Jon Stewart. If you liked that Daily Show, this one has some very...
View ArticleEscaped Monkey Fucks With Florida Police
Zeek the monkey does not give a fuck. He’ll chew your mail up, sitting right on top of your mailbox. What are you going to do? Call the police? Go ahead. Call ‘em. When they come, he’ll just jump on...
View Article"I Knew About the Water On Mars Months Ago," Says Ridley Scott, Yawning
Ridley Scott’s new movie about Mars won’t feature the planet’s running water, as announced Monday by NASA, but it’s not because he didn’t know it was there. Because he did, months before you, actually,...
View ArticleChris Brown Desperately Tries to Guess Password to Gain Access to Australia
Chris Brown has been denied entry to Australia because his 2009 assault on Rihanna, for which he was sentenced to five years of probation and six months of community service, doesn’t square with the...
View ArticleCome Hell or High Water Katy Perry Is Going to Buy This Goddamn Convent
Famous person Katy Perry once recorded a song called “Faith Won’t Fail,” a cursory google search for “Katy Perry+sin” tells me, which is ironic, I guess, because she’s currently embroiled in an...
View ArticleBoehner Considering Not Completely Fucking the Country Over Before He Vacates...
While Boehner is almost sure to stave off a government shutdown before the September 30 deadline, the looming debt ceiling—which we’re estimated to reach sometime in mid-December—presents a much larger...
View ArticleToday's Best Deals: Networking Gear, Halloween Costumes, Joe's Jeans, and More
Here are the best of today’s deals. Get every great deal every day on Kinja Deals, follow us on Facebook and Twitter to never miss a deal, join us on Kinja Gear to read about great products, and on...
View ArticleThe Collected Wisdom of the French Actress Marion Cotillard
Oscar-winning actress Marion Cotillard, who will grace the silver screen as Lady Macbeth in the forthcoming adaptation of Macbeth, recently sat for an interview with Porter, during which she offered...
View ArticleHere's What My Commute Looked Like the Day Business Insider Was Bought for...
It’s nice to have a job in an economy where not everyone does, and in a field—journalism—where the economic prospects are uncertain. Many publishers are looking with concern at a world where Facebook...
View ArticleThe 5 Scariest Cults in Modern History
Some terrifying cults are so well-known they can be described with a single word: Manson, Waco, Jeffs, Jonestown. Others may not be as iconic—at least in America—but still provide plenty of nightmare...
View ArticleMissouri Finds No Evidence of Planned Parenthood Mishandling Fetal Tissue
A Missouri investigation that began after a heavily edited, misleading video of a Planned Parenthood director discussing fetal tissue donation surfaced in July has finally reached its conclusion. And...
View ArticleRage Bassist Apologizes for Limp Bizkit: "We Inspired Such Bullshit”
In a new Rolling Stone interview, Rage Against the Machine bassist Tim “Timmy C.” Commerford claimed responsibility for one of most devastating outbreaks during the rap-metal crisis that ravaged...
View ArticleThe "Gig Economy" Is Picking Your Pocket
There is a growing movement to put an end to “on-call” scheduling practices and give workers more regular, predictable hours. On the other hand, there’s what Amazon is doing.Recently, major companies...
View ArticleInside the World of the Black Elite: An Interview With Margo Jefferson
Upon the publication of Lawrence Otis Graham’s Our Kind of People in 1999, the New York Times asked, “Is There a Black Upper Class?” On the surface, it was a foolhardy question—of course there was, and...
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